32 Witty Names For Chickens
We could have gone with classic names for our birds.
You know, like Peggy. Mildred. Matilda. Any old timey name will do.
But we’re anything but classic kinda people!
We appreciate a good play on words. Bonus points for giving a human name to an animal, that stuff is always hilarious.
Growing up, I raised a flock of Rhode Island Red hens and they had all those typical (and some very atypical…) names that you give your pets as any good 10 year old. Henny Penny, Goldilocks, Skittles…you know the ones.
But now that my husband has been integrated into the chicken keeping life, he has been having a grand time coming up with famous names to give our pets. But not just any name. They’ve got to be obscure.
For instance, we had a beta fish named Giuseppe Verde. Because he was green.
Our naming talents have combined in the most hilarious way, and so I present to you our list of hilarious chicken names, based off of famous people.
And yes, even though I haven’t officially released the names of our newest batch of chicks, their names are in here…!

Funny Hen Names
- Amelia Eggheart
- Annie Yolkly
- Betty Eggwhite
- Vana Eggwhite
- Squawkagawea
- Margaret Hatcher
- Calamity Hen
- Hennifer Annist-hen
- Courtney Clucks
- Goldie Hen
- Lindsey Lohen
- Heidi Plume
- Eggatha Christie
- Liza Henelli
- Britney Spurs
- Sarah McClucklan
- Christina Eggulara
- Dolly (egg)Carton
- Egglizabeth Hennett
- Princess Lay-a
- Mary Poopins
- Stevie Chicks
- Reese Featherspoon
- Goldieflocks
- Chickira
Funny Rooster Names
- Eggs Benedict Arnold
- Eggs Benedict Cumberbatch
- Nicholas Cage-free
- Jimmy Talon
- Jim Henson
- Cluck Norris
- Gregory Peck
There you have it! Can you guess which five names we’ve picked out for our current chicks? Which ones are your favorites? Better yet, do you have any to add to the list? Leave a comment below!
Happy growing,